Willowbend - Strategic tree planting to restore eroded gullies and improve farm productivity

Case Study - Agroforestry

1. Strategic tree planting to restore eroded gullies and improve farm productivity

Willowbend, Cygnet, Huon Valley - Chris and Guiliana White planted trees to improve farm productivity, water quality and biodiversity as well as produce timber.

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At a glance

Owner Chris and Guiliana White
Property name Willowbend
Location Cygnet, Huon Valley, Southern Tasmania
Property Size 61 hectares
Enterprise Dairy, garlic and timber production
Rainfall 1050 mm (average)
Soil types Duplex soils - sandy loams / light clays
Forested area 3ha

Key points

  • A planned approach encompassing site preparation, tree planting and maintenance delivers best outcomes.
  • Trees deliver multiple benefits initially restoration of riparian area, but also shelter and aesthetics.
  • An income from wood is planned.
Willowbend case study 2

Strategic tree planting to restore eroded gullies and improve farm productivity


Chris and Guiliana planted trees to improve farm productivity, water quality and biodiversity as well as produce timber.

They prepared a property management plan to integrate trees into their farm with their main aim to protect streams from livestock and revegetate the stream sides. They planted 3 hectares of trees in 2007 and 2008.

Chris says

"The trees are already benefiting the farm. Cattle tend to gather to find shelter in the lee of the trees, pastures appear to be far healthier and bird life has improved. There is a supply of firewood after 5 years. CSIRO reported that water quality has improved. I expect these benefits to increase as the trees grow.”
Willowbend case study 1
Willowbend case study 3
Willowbend property 2007 prior to planting
Willowbend case study 4
Willowbend 2012. Eroded gullies restored and aesthetics improved

Monitoring of the protected streams by CSIRO has found:

  • Stream water phosphate concentration and Escherichia coli (E.coli) contamination decreased;
  • Minor turbidity increased after first major storm following cultivation for tree planting but not subsequently;
  • Major turbidity decreased in wet winters even after storms and periods of heavy grazing; and
  • The trees had no detrimental effects on the stream sides.
Species Features Biodiversity Management Wood Products
Blue gum Native species good for timber, honey & habitat Habitat for endangered Swift Parrot Prune & thin. Will regrow after harvest Clearwood, sawlogs & firewood
Shining gum Robust species with good timber properties Possums & native birdlife enjoy new plantings Prune & thin Clearwood, sawlogs & firewood
Blackwood Native species good for timber & habitat Habitat for range of native species Prune & thin Clearwood, sawlogs & firewood
Willowbend case study 5
2007 - Cattle had access to streams
Willowbend case study 6
2013 - Streams well protected