Ground Proof Mapping Pty Ltd

Ground Proof Mapping Pty Ltd

Area of Operation: Statewide


Fire Management Consultancy across the state. All planning and operational requirements, including fire management plans, bushfire mitigation plans, burning plans, undertaking of all planned burning operations (harvesting debris management and fuel reduction both small and large scale, either by hand or aerially). GPM can undertake wildfire suppression, with trained and competent firefighters and fully equipped 600ltr firefighting units. GPM also undertake bushfire hazard management plans (BHMP's) and Bushfire Attack Level Assessments (BAL's) for new developments (as required by LGAT) for building and planning approval. GPM can also provide Nationally Accredited Fire Training in Fire Weather Evaluation, Bushfire Awareness and Wildfire Suppression. GPM has all relevant insurance for the above services.

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