Join Tree Alliance

Together we can grow the future

We must unite, for mutual benefit

Private Forests Tasmania’s strategic program Tree Alliance brings together landholders, individuals and organisations on the journey of planting trees on farms. Because planting trees will benefit us all.

Our program supports farmers to plant commercially viable trees in Tasmania’s agricultural landscape. We encourage collaboration, conversation and strategy towards our shared goals. We work with our members to create, curate and share information as broadly as possible.

By working together, we can achieve more than a single organisation or individual. We can grow the future.

Who can join the Alliance?

Anyone with an interest in growing Australia’s future through trees is invited to become part of the Tree Alliance. This includes:

  • Tasmanian landowners
  • Mainland landowners
  • Forestry professionals
  • Researchers and academics
  • Policy and government workers
  • Tasmanian Indigenous organisations and individuals
  • Community organisations
  • Interested members of the public.

What happens when you become part of the Alliance?

Tree Alliance participants enjoy a range of benefits:

  • Access a connected group of organisations and individuals to share information and exchange advice
  • Collaborate on projects, research reports, case studies and events to improve understandings of the benefits of trees
  • Gain a platform to share your resources and knowledge, and access content to share through your channels
  • List your services and goods on the Tasmanian Directory of Forestry Services and Marketplace
  • Receive invites to events in your area, and develop highly relevant knowledge and networks
  • Become part of a leading Australian forestry movement.

We’re proud of our growing Alliance supporting Tasmanian farm forestry.

Meet our partners

Join Tree Alliance

Join Private Forest Tasmania’s Tree Alliance and become part of a movement to benefit Australia’s future.

Enter your details to gain access to valuable resources, information and projects in your community.

You will be registered to receive communications and one of our team will be in touch to discuss your circumstances and goals.

Your name