Native regrowth Forest Videos

Private native regrowth forest videos

Supporting sustainable native regrowth forest management

Native regrowth forest management videos

Tasmania's private foresters are at the forefront of combating climate change and alleviating Australia's construction timber scarcity through proactive private native regrowth forest management.

This suite of videos is designed to assist with the active management of private native regrowth forests.

Hear from farm and private forestry stalwart, Ian Dickenson and private native regrowth forestry practitioner, John Lord on management strategies such as regrowth thinning and climate change.

These operations involve selective harvesting, promoting a multi-aged forest, increasing medium-term sawlog production, improving forest health, fostering biodiversity through understory development, and bolstering carbon sequestration.

Sustainable, renewable management of private native regrowth forests for all Tasmanians

Sustainable, renewable management of private native regrowth forests is good for Tasmania’s economy and climate change, and it benefits all Tasmanians.

It’s an opportunity for you to have another enterprise on your farm. Forestry is not an annual cycle like cattle, sheep and cropping, the cycles are much longer.

Private native regrowth forestry isn’t new, but there is an increased focus on the benefits of trees on farms by sustainable management. Biodiversity benefits, wildlife benefits, carbon benefits and commercial returns into the future.

Forests can be an important part of your farm plan, it is an extremely valuable asset when managed correctly because it is as good as money in the bank and not as volatile as other primary products.

Sustainable management of private native forests ensures the forests will be here for our next generation and our generations after that.

Tasmania is one of the best places in the world to manage forests for sustainable and profitable outcomes. To learn more about your options for renewable native regrowth forest management, contact the team at Private Forests Tasmania on 1300 661 009.

Active management of private native regrowth forests for Climate Change, Carbon and Fire

Growing forest is the ultimate tool to combat climate change. Active forest management strategies like regrowth thinning in private native regrowth forests can make a major contribution. As trees grow, they absorb carbon, they are our most renewable resource.

Primary producers are increasingly required to demonstrate their carbon credentials to markets and active forest management is the ideal way.

Private native regrowth forestry practitioners Ian Dickenson and John Lord realise the importance of active forest management for addressing another climate change risk – fire. Continuing the legacy of our traditional owners, managing the land and removing the biomass within our forests reduces the fuel load and prevents catastrophic fires in our forests.

Tasmania is one of the best places in the world to manage forests for sustainable and profitable outcomes. To learn more about your options for renewable native regrowth forest management, contact the team at Private Forests Tasmania on 1300 661 009.

Active management of private native regrowth forests for financial benefits

Active management of private native regrowth forests can deliver many benefits to the landowners including great financial returns to compliment other farm income.

With the right processes and regimes, private landowners are seeing the opportunity to realise forest value.

Tree farmer, John Lord thinks it makes sense for any landowner to include native forestry as part of their revenue stream providing an opportunity to include another enterprise on your farm.

Farmer and private forestry stalwart, Ian Dickenson considers his forests an insurance which meant he was able to keep his farm when cattle prices crashed in 1976 due to the banks knowing he had a timber resource.

Tasmania is one of the best places in the world to manage forests for sustainable and profitable outcomes. To learn more about your options for renewable native regrowth forest management, contact the team at Private Forests Tasmania on 1300 661 009.

Active management of private native regrowth forests for thinning

Active management of private native regrowth forests offers a range of benefits to landowners and the Tasmanian economy. One option for even aged forest is regrowth thinning.

Benefits from the thinning process minimises the number of standing trees leaving the remaining trees to grow on to a good quality product for the sawn market.

Tree farmer John Lord has been thinning native regrowth forest for around 10 years and can already see the forest health and growth benefits.

The private native regrowth forest thinning program is a positive for forest health and productivity. Procurement foresters are available to discuss your options.

Tasmania is one of the best places in the world to manage forests for sustainable and profitable outcomes. To learn more about your options for renewable native regrowth forest management, contact the team at Private Forests Tasmania on 1300 661 009.

Case Studies


Fact Sheets


Guide to Operations


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