Native trees benefit Tasmania's ecosystems and communities
Tasmania has vast native forest cover, much of which is on private land. Native regrowth forests can be actively managed for multiple benefits.
Tasmanian native regrowth forests are vital for biodiversity, wildlife habitat and carbon storage. With active management, you can improve the health of your native forest and its ecosystem functions. You can also produce highly valued timber and non-timber products.
Support ecosystems and timber production with native forest regrowth management.
Tasmania’s extensive native regrowth forests have a long history of active management for timber production. This can contribute significantly to Australia’s timber shortage, support ecosystem and forest health, and produce positive outcomes:
Did you know?
Up to 306,000 hectares of private native forests in Tasmania can be managed sustainably to produce timber and other benefits
Improving forest health and productivity is a priority for many landowners involved in native regrowth forest management.
Activities like selective harvesting (where some trees are harvested and others are left standing) give the forest's remaining trees more light, water and nutrients. This means they are healthier and more productive for functions such as carbon sequestration. It also means the forest is less vulnerable to pests, disease and fire.
Commercial management of native regrowth forests produces logs that can be sold to markets. This usually involves activities such as thinning and selective harvesting, as well careful monitoring and regeneration activities. To make sure your solution is sustainable, be sure to consider:
Start planning harvest operations several years before your anticipated activities. Define your objectives, conduct forest inspections, source contractors and get approvals for your work.
Any forestry operation comes with environmental, operational and commercial risk. Carefully assess and manage risks as part of your planning.
Estimate the potential returns from your activities under given scenarios, which will help guide your decision making.
Any forestry operation comes with environmental, operational and commercial risk, which should be carefully assessed and managed.
Landowners can estimate potential returns from operations under given scenarios, to support planning and decision making.
Find comprehensive guides and case studies on native regrowth forest operations in Tasmania:
A guide to private native regrowth forest operations Managing your private native regrowth forestDid you know?
About 837,000 hectares of Tasmania’s native forest is on private land – that’s 27% of total native forest estate.
Tasmania’s Permanent Native Forest Estate Policy regulates the extent to which native forests can be cleared and converted to other land uses across the State.
It makes sure that Tasmania's native forests are managed sustainably to encourage forest health and regeneration.
Permanent Native Forest Estate PolicyGet advice and support for a successful plantation.