Bioenergy vision for Tasmania
Bioenergy vision for Tasmania

Bioenergy vision for Tasmania

Posted 18 April 2023

Economic benefits and markets

The Tasmanian Renewable Energy Action Plan (TREAP) sets out the government’s commitment to develop a bioenergy vision, in consultation with industry and stakeholders, to identify how to unlock private sector investment in bioenergy in Tasmania, increasing employment, reducing waste and greenhouse gas emissions while producing more Tasmanian renewable energy.

The Bioenergy Vision for Tasmania was released on 27 March 2023 with a vision: to embed bioenergy as a valued renewable resource for the Tasmanian economy, community, and environment as an aid to energy production, waste management and resource recovery and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Bioenergy is the largest form of renewable energy in Australia and the world.

Also known as “biomass”, it’s made from plant-derived organic matter, organic by-products and waste streams. This organic matter is used to produce heat, cooling, electricity, transport fuel and a host of different products.

In Tasmania, an abundance of under-utilised biomass makes bioenergy an attractive, cost-effective form of renewable energy. Thanks to our readily available resources, we can adopt bioenergy easily and rapidly, replacing fossil fuels in every market. It has great potential for fueling transport, injection into the gas network and powering industrial hubs and processes, hospitals, nursing homes, aquatic centres, schools, shopping centres and large buildings.