Fire Prevention at Forest Operations Procedure update & subsidised fire training courses
Fire Prevention at Forest Operations Procedure updated, subsidised fire training courses on offer

Fire Prevention at Forest Operations Procedure updated, subsidised fire training courses on offer

Posted 29 September 2021


The Tasmanian Forest Industry Fire Management Committee (FIFMC) have endorsed changes to the Fire Prevention at Forest Operations Procedures to minimise the incidence of wildfire resulting from forest and related operations and to ensure compliance with relevant regulations.

There have been no significant changes to the document, however, the layout has been completely revamped to modernise the document and make it easier to follow.

The new procedures outline minimum fire equipment requirements for forest operations and procedures to follow to reduce the risk of fire.

Small procedural changes include:

  • Annual requirement to have electronic weather meters formally sent away to be calibrated with sticker showing when checked now no longer required.
  • No longer required to have 9L charged air-water extinguisher within 100m of operating chainsaw, if fit for purpose “Mini Firefighter” extinguisher located with the operator of the chainsaw.
  • Alternative fire suppression equipment may be used on a forest activity if a risk assessment has been completed by the Forest Manager and approved by the FIFMC.

Additional fire suppression equipment requirements beyond the Procedures can be implemented by Forest Managers and Contractors as the need is identified.

The mini firefighter is a compact and lightweight fire extinguisher which can be easily carried and kept close by to immediately extinguish a fire started from a chainsaw or other forest machinery which significantly reduces the risk of a wildfire.

See more on the mini firefighter CLICK HERE.

A copy of the procedures should be kept on site at all times. All activities should not commence until they:

1. comply with the firefighting requirements established by the FIFMC and Fire Service Regulation; and

2. have all firefighting equipment fully assembled, available and ready for immediate use at all times.

It is noted that Equipment will be audited by the Forest Manager each year to ensure compliance and that the Forest Manager may also carry out spot checks throughout the year.

The Forest Manager reserves the right to suspend any forest activity or close any forest area at any time if it is deemed unsafe due to an anticipated high fire danger.

FIFMC Fire Prevention at Forest Operations Procedure

FIFMC Minimum Equipment Audit Form

FIFMC Charter

For future reference, these documents can be found at the Private Forests Tasmania website under RESOURCES> PUBLICATIONS> ASSET PROTECTION.

Please direct inquiries to Adam Crook, Chairman of the FIFMC Committee

Subsidised Fire Training Courses

With the bushfire season commencing October 1, Timber Training Creswick is offering subsidised Fire Training Courses for forest industry participants with the Training & Skills Development Service (TSDS) funding 80% of training costs.

Courses are scheduled for September and October with additional dates negotiable for group bookings of ten or more participants. Courses include:

  • Fire Weather and Bushfire Awareness
  • Wildfire Suppression

CLICK HERE to view the full list of available training courses.

Contact Debbie Tickner 0418 133 763 for additional information.