New Chair optimistic about future of private forestry
Posted 06 February 2024
Private Forests Tasmania’s new Chair Jim Wilson is no stranger to Tasmania’s, or Australia’s, forestry industry.
Mr Wilson is a respected and innovated forestry leader with a background in rural industries and specialises in plantation forestry.
Upon his appointment as Chair, Mr Wilson said Private Forests Tasmania was uniquely placed to lead a new era in the development of the state’s private forest estate.
"The envy of national counterparts, Private Forests Tasmania is a partnership between private growers and Government with a legislated responsibility to facilitate and expand the sustainable development of the private forest estate," he said.
"And, it’s a big opportunity. Already Tasmania’s private forest estate produces more than 70 per cent of Tasmania’s wood supply, but the bigger opportunity is to more actively engage with private native forests, as part of the farm enterprise, and to sensibly integrate plantation forests on farm, such that farm enterprises and farm businesses are more resilient in our changing climate."
Mr Wilson recognised the efforts and dedication of PFT's previous Chair, Evan Rolley.
"Private Forests Tasmania has in recent years laid a foundation for success with the Tree Alliance, and I pay tribute to outgoing Chair Mr Evan Rolley who has championed great work at Private Forests Tasmania, leveraging experience from a lifelong career in Tasmania’s forest sector."
"Looking forward, I am delighted to be working alongside Non-Executive Directors Dr Jo Jones, Mr Robert O’Connor, Ms Alice Herbon, and most recently Mr Bob Rutherford. Together a great base of skills and perspectives to support the team led by newly appointed Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director Dr Elizabeth Pietrzykowski.
"For these reasons, I am enthusiastic about the role Private Forests Tasmania has, and the value proposition the team of associated stakeholders has in making good things happen."
Mr Wilson joined the Board as a director on August 1, 2021 and has been named as Chair for the length of his term.
He is a Registered Forestry Professional and graduated from the AICD and Australian Rural Leadership Program. In 2023, he was elected as vice president of Forestry Australia – the professional association for forest scientists, professionals, managers and growers.
Read previous Chair, Evan Rolley's, parting thoughts here.
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