Contemporary safety measures introduced for Tasmania’s sustainable forestry industry has now updated its
Contemporary safety measures introduced for Tasmania’s sustainable forestry industry

Contemporary safety measures introduced for Tasmania’s sustainable forestry industry

Posted 03 March 2022

The law PFT

Tasmania’s sustainable forestry industry has now updated its contemporary safety measures to help protect and improve the safety of those working within the sector.

The updated Forest Safety Code (Tasmania) 2021 will enhance the safety of the many Tasmanians working in forestry.

Minister for Workplace Safety and Consumer Affairs Elise Archer said that this was an industry-driven project and WorkSafe Tasmania had been providing advice and assistance during the course of the project, which will further strengthen the state’s sustainable forestry industry.

“The revised Code has been updated, aligned with contemporary legislation and national guidance materials, and modernised to reflect current technology and industry practices.

“The Code was developed through a comprehensive process which included expert review and multiple rounds of industry consultation with forest managers, forest contractors, training providers, forest workers and their representatives,” Ms Archer said.

Minister for Resources Guy Barnett commended Private Forests Tasmania for developing and investing in this updated Code of Practice to ensure that the laws that govern workplace health and safety in Tasmania’s forest industry remain contemporary.

“Like many industries, forestry continues to adapt and implement new activities and technology to ensure best practice, and this is now reflected in the Code.

“This new Code of practice will prove practical guidance on managing health and safety risks associated with forestry work and how to achieve the standards required under the work health and safety laws,” Mr Barnett said.

Private Forests Tasmania chief executive officer Penny Wells, said the updated Code was an example of effective collaboration within the industry.

“The updated Code reflects the efforts of many within the industry who have combined to deliver an outcome that continues an emphasis on safety,” Ms Wells said.

“Many stakeholders have provided feedback, participated with the steering committee and contributed financially to deliver this result.”

Private Forests Tasmania invested more than $90,000 to update the Code in conjunction with Forico, Sustainable Timber Tasmania, FIAT and SFM combined investment of $33,500.

Minister for Workplace Safety and Consumer Affairs, Elise Archer, said the Code covered all safety aspects.

The Code also covers:

  • road access restrictions, operator competency, personal protective clothing, forest operations signage, onsite amenities, first aid, emergencies procedures, tools, work vehicles, tools, fire equipment and more;
  • chainsaws and brush cutters, manual tree felling, higher risk tree felling, mechanised felling, firewood cutting, log extraction, machinery, log landings, transportation, road construction and maintenance, silviculture;
  • human factors such as fatigue, dehydration, fitness for work, UV exposure, noise and more.

The Code came into effect on 2 March, 2022. To view the Code, click here.