What the 2021-22 Tasmanian budget means for forestry
Posted 27 August 2021
Managing trees Economic benefits and markets Carbon benefits PFT
A glance at the 2021-22 State Budget shows investment in forestry including areas of training, supply and business incentives.
Building and Construction Support Loan Scheme - $1.2m per year for three years
This initiative will provide financial support to enable eligible commercial building projects to create new or improve existing infrastructure that can commence quickly.
Building Projects Support Program – $10m for 2021/22
Part of the COVID-19 response.
This initiative will provide further funding to the Building Projects Support Program to bring forward community and commercial projects, helping to stimulate the sector and support local jobs.
International Business Development Managers - $750,000 per year for three years, starting 2022-23.
This initiative will ensure the continuation and expansion of the overseas Business Development Manager network to assist businesses with expansion of export markets.
Forestry Sector Diversity Action Plan – $50,000 per year for three years
This initiative will establish a Diversity Action Plan led by the Tasmanian Forest and Forest Products Network to increase the gender and cultural diversity of the forestry sector.
On-Island Processing and Value Adding Initiative - $1m per year for four years
This initiative will grow on-island processing and value-adding of forest industry products. It intends to attract new businesses to Tasmania and will provide existing businesses with incentives to invest and expand.
Skills and Training – Arbre Forest Industries - $25,000 per year for three years
This initiative will address skill shortages in the forest industry by collaborating with Arbre Forest Industries to train our industry leaders of tomorrow.
Advanced Manufacturing Accelerating Growth Grants - $1.5m per year for two years
This initiative will deliver a grant program to encourage businesses to invest in new innovative equipment, leading to more jobs, increased trade and greater economic benefits across Tasmania.
Advanced Manufacturing Action Plan - $1.8m in 2021-22, $1.75m in 2022-23, and $1.45m in 2023-24
This initiative will support the implementation of the Advanced Manufacturing Plan 2024 including developing and attracting a highly skilled workforce, supporting the adoption of lead-edge design and technologies, and supporting greater market identification, access and industry promotion.
Timber Promotions Board - $192,000 per year for three years
This initiative will provide funding to the Board, in partnership with Sustainable Timber Tasmania, to support industry in promoting and advocating for our products locally and nationally.
Private Forests Tasmania – $1.68m in 2021-22, $1.714m in 2022-23, $1.745m in 2023-24, $1.78m in 2024-25
This payment represents the government’s contribution to Private Forests Tasmania. The role of PFT is to facilitate and expand the development of the private forest resource in Tasmania in a manner that is consistent with sound forest land management practice.
Forest Practices Authority – $1.494m in 2021-22, $1.626m in 2022-23, $1.657m in 2023-24, $1.69m in 2024-25
This payment represents the government’s contribution to the Forest Practices Authority. The FPA’s key role is as an independent regulator of Tasmania’s forest practices system. The system regulates the management of forest and threatened non-forest vegetation on both public and private land.
Sustainable Timber Tasmania CSO - $8m per year for four years
This provision will ensure that permanent timber production zone land continues to be managed and is accessible and available for multiple uses. It includes funding for maintenance of the forestry road network to allow for continued community, tourism and firefighting access management of public recreation sites, provision of forest education activities, special species timber management and ongoing facilitation of forestry research.
Read more on the state budget here.