Land Information System Tasmania


Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania's LIST (Land Information System Tasmania) is a whole of government online infrastructure that helps you find and use information about land and property in Tasmania. Some key components are listed below:

LISTmap is a free, easy to use, online map application that allows people to view, create and share their own customised maps of Tasmania combining multiple layers of information.

Properties and Titles can be searched via the online search facility for folio text, plans, schedules of easements, survey notes, property information reports and property sales.

LISTdata is a free online data portal to help you discover and use Tasmanian location-based information and provides a central access point connected to authoritative government data.

In the primary industries - farming section the Enterprise Suitability – Pinus radiata aims to classify land suitable for growing farm tree species (E.nitens and E.globulus will be added). CLICK HERE to be taken to Enterprise Suitability Toolkit information.

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