Understanding values behind farmer perceptions of trees on farms
Understanding values behind farmer perceptions of trees on farms

Understanding values behind farmer perceptions of trees on farms

Posted 06 July 2020

Managing trees On-farm benefits Economic benefits and markets Carbon benefits Native regrowth forest management

Agriculture faces increasing sustainability pressures. Land intensification and degradation, energy use and inputs, complex environmental management, social issues facing farming communities and climate change are just some of the headline sustain-ability concerns threatening the viability of farming. Simultaneously, there is a need to increase food and fibre production and resource use efficiency.

For many of these sustainability issues, increasing the number of trees planted in agricultural systems, or agroforestry, can improve the productivity and sustainability of future rural agricultural landscapes. In many parts of the world, the benefits of agroforestry remain under-realised.

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Agronomy for Sustainable Development, January 2019 - Aysha Fleming, Anthony P O'Grady, Daniel Menham, Jacqueline England, Patrick Mitchell, Martin Moroni, Arthur Lyons